Color Coherence Vector in C++

画像のフィンガープリントを計算する方法に,Color Coherence Vectorというものがあるらしく,その定義は以下のとおり*1

The color coherence vector (CCV) is a refined histogram technique. However, instead of counting only the number of pixels of a certain color, the color coherence vector also differentiates between pixels of the same color depending on the size of the color region they belong to. If the region (i.e., the connected 8-neighbor component of that color) is larger than  t_{ccv}, a pixel is regarded as coherent, otherwise, as incoherent. Thus, in an image there are two values associated with each color j:

  •  \alpha_j, the number of coherent pixels of color j, and
  •  \beta_j, the number of incoherent pixels of color j.

A color coherence vector then is defined as the vector
 <(\alpha_1, \beta_1), ..., (\alpha_n, \beta_n)>

Before calculating the color coherence vector we scaled the input image to 240 x 160 pixels and smoothed the image by a Gaussian filter of sigma 1 as also done by Pass et. al.  t_{ccv} was set to 25, and the color space used only the two most siginificant bits of each RGB color component.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>

#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>

#define NUM_CCV_COLOR (4 * 4 * 4)

struct feature_ccv {
        typedef boost::shared_array<float> float_arr;
        float_arr m_alpha;
        float_arr m_beta;

union rgb {
        uint32_t m_color32;
        uint8_t  m_color8[4];

        bool operator== (const rgb &rhs) { return m_color32 == rhs.m_color32; }

struct label_info {
        rgb m_color;
        int m_count;
        uint32_t m_alias;

static const int ccv_width  = 240;
static const int ccv_height = 160;
static const int t_ccv = 25;

get_rgb(rgb &color, const cv::Mat &img, int x, int y)
        uint8_t r, b, g;
        int idx = (x + y * ccv_width) * 3;

        b =[idx];
        g =[idx + 1];
        r =[idx + 2];

        b >>= 6;
        g >>= 6;
        r >>= 6;

        color.m_color8[0] = b;
        color.m_color8[1] = g;
        color.m_color8[2] = r;
        color.m_color8[3] = 0;

rgb2idx(const rgb &color)
        return (int)color.m_color8[0] | (int)color.m_color8[1] << 2 |
                (int)color.m_color8[2] << 4;

find_label(uint32_t label, boost::unordered_map<uint32_t, label_info> &labels)
        boost::unordered_map<uint32_t, label_info>::iterator it;

        for (it = labels.find(label); label != it->second.m_alias;) {
                label = it->second.m_alias;
                it = labels.find(label);

        return label;

ccv(const cv::Mat &src, feature_ccv &ret)
        boost::shared_array<uint32_t>  labeled;
        boost::unordered_map<uint32_t, label_info> labels;
        cv::Mat resized;
        int i;

        if (src.channels() != 3)

        cv::resize(src, resized, cv::Size(ccv_width, ccv_height));
        cv::GaussianBlur(resized, resized, cv::Size(3, 3), 0);

        ret.m_alpha = feature_ccv::float_arr(new float[NUM_CCV_COLOR]);
        ret.m_beta  = feature_ccv::float_arr(new float[NUM_CCV_COLOR]);

        for (i = 0; i < NUM_CCV_COLOR; i++) {
                ret.m_alpha[i] = 0.0f;
                ret.m_beta[i]  = 0.0f;

        label_info info;
        rgb        color;
        uint32_t   label;
        int        size;

        size = ccv_width * ccv_height;
        labeled = boost::shared_array<uint32_t>(new uint32_t[size]);

        get_rgb(color, resized, 0, 0);

        label = 0;

        labeled[0] = label;

        info.m_color = color;
        info.m_alias = label;
        info.m_count = 1;

        labels[label] = info;

        int x, y;
        for (x = 1; x < ccv_width; x++) {
                rgb color_here, color_left;

                get_rgb(color_here, resized, x,     0);
                get_rgb(color_left, resized, x - 1, 0);

                if (color_here.m_color32 == color_left.m_color32) {
                        labeled[x] = label;
                } else {
                        labeled[x] = label;

                        info.m_color = color_here;
                        info.m_alias = label;
                        info.m_count = 1;

                        labels[label] = info;

        for (y = 1; y < ccv_height; y++) {
                rgb c_here, c_left, c_above, c_above_l, c_above_r;

                c_left.m_color32    = 0xffffffff;
                c_above_l.m_color32 = 0xffffffff;
                get_rgb(c_above, resized, 0, y - 1);

                for (x = 0; x < ccv_width; x++) {
                        get_rgb(c_here, resized, x, y);

                        if (x + 1 < ccv_width)
                                get_rgb(c_above_r, resized, x + 1, y - 1);
                                c_above_r.m_color32 = 0xffffffff;

                        uint32_t same[4];
                        uint32_t l;
                        int      num_same = 0;

                        if (c_here == c_left) {
                                l = labeled[x - 1 + y * ccv_width];
                                same[num_same] = find_label(l, labels);

                        if (c_here == c_above) {
                                l = labeled[x + (y - 1) * ccv_width];
                                same[num_same] = find_label(l, labels);

                        if (c_here == c_above_l) {
                                l = labeled[x - 1 + (y - 1) * ccv_width];
                                same[num_same] = find_label(l, labels);

                        if (c_here == c_above_r) {
                                l = labeled[x + 1 + (y - 1) * ccv_width];
                                same[num_same] = find_label(l, labels);

                        if (num_same > 0) {
                                        label_info>::iterator it1, it2;
                                uint32_t label_min = same[0];

                                for (i = 1; i < num_same; i++) {
                                        if (same[i] < label_min) {
                                                label_min = same[i];

                                it1 = labels.find(label_min);

                                for (i = 0; i < num_same; i++) {
                                        if (label_min < same[i]) {
                                                it2 = labels.find(same[i]);

                                                int count = it2->second.m_count;

                                                it2->second.m_alias = label_min;
                                                it2->second.m_count = 0;

                                                it1->second.m_count += count;

                                labeled[x + y * ccv_width] = label_min;
                        } else {
                                labeled[x + y * ccv_width] = label;

                                info.m_color = c_here;
                                info.m_alias = label;
                                info.m_count = 1;

                                labels[label] = info;

                c_left    = c_here;
                c_above   = c_above_r;
                c_above_l = c_above;

        boost::unordered_map<uint32_t, label_info>::iterator it;
        for (it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); ++it) {
                int idx;
                idx = rgb2idx(it->second.m_color);

                if (it->second.m_count > t_ccv) {
                        ret.m_alpha[idx] += it->second.m_count;
                } else {
                        ret.m_beta[idx] += it->second.m_count;

        float num_pix = ccv_width * ccv_height;
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_CCV_COLOR; i++) {
                ret.m_alpha[i] /= num_pix;
                ret.m_beta[i]  /= num_pix;

get_ccv_feat(const char *file, feature_ccv &feat)
        try {
                cv::Mat colorImage = cv::imread(file, 1);
                        return false;

                ccv(colorImage, feat);
        } catch (...) {
                return false;

        return true;


feature_ccv feat;
get_ccv_feat("image.jpg", feat);

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CCV_COLOR; i++) {
    std::cout << feat.m_alpha[i] << std::endl;
    std::cout << feat.m_beta[i] << std::endl;

とやれば出来るという寸法.結果は, \alpha \betaがそれぞれ64次元で,合計128次元のベクトルとなる.

このColor Coherence Vectorがどこまで優秀なアルゴリズムかは分からない・・・


feature_ccv feat1, feat2;
get_ccv_feat("img1.jpg", feat1);
get_ccv_feat("img2.jpg", feat2);

float distance;
distance = dist(feat1.m_alpha.get(), feat2.m_alpha.get(), NUM_CCV_COLOR);
distance += dist(feat2.m_beta.get(), feat2.m_beta.get(), NUM_CCV_COLOR);
distance = sqrtf(distance);